Thursday, 31 March 2011

New faces for the upcoming election in Sarawak

He [Mayor Chan] added politics was a different ball game from managing and heading a city council.
“I don’t know politics. It is a different game and I don’t know how to play with it.”

Excerpt from the article Mayor not distracted by speculations

Most likely, there will be some new faces running for the upcoming election. Will there be issues on confidence? If so, I don't think it will hurt to take the time to learn more about these aspiring new voices following the polling on the 6th.

In a role-playing game, various skills can be acquired over time as players learn to adapt to different situations. In real life, could it be the same as well? Politics - is it a matter of skill? Can it be acquired? 

What are your concerns? You tell me...

The Vocalist

A new leader has to be able to change an organization that is dreamless, soulless and visionless ... someone's got to make a wake up call. ~Warren Bennis

A peaceful state

"He stressed that the people should be grateful that the country, especially Sarawak, was very peaceful, harmonious, stable and well developed.
To ensure that this feel good environment continues to prevail in the future, voters in Sarawak must elect a government that could represent all communities in the state."
Excerpt from the article Only BN can bring devt — DPM.
Sarawak has always been a peaceful and harmonious state. There may have been corruption speculations. There may have questions on certain leadership. There may also have been some minor religious issues here and there. But one who has stayed in Sarawak must admit one thing: there is also stability which results in the peace and harmony that is evident among the beautiful people of Sarawak.
There is no need for caution at the first step out your door every day as to whether or not there'd be riot or strike for justice. Racial discrimination is almost non-existent. A Malay can sit in a food court with a Chinese for a cuppa. A citizen of any race, tribe or religion can call the next person of a different culture his 'brother' or 'sister'. 
The 1Malaysia concept has been in Sarawak for ages. Sarawak has always been 1. They speak the same language: Bahasa Sarawak. They practice the same faith: in one another for support. They walk the same path: towards continuous peace in the land of their ancestors. And all this, comes down to just one thing: stable governance.
It's a safe and comfortable place to be with a good control of involvement of any external parties. Being gratitude for what their present state, would add joy to the peace and love they already have in their possession.
Don't you think?

The Vocalist
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.  ~Epictetus